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Friday, June 13, 2014

Reader Respond: How Reading Process (A Theory of Iser) Influence the Reader to Understand Deeply With the Usage of Symbolism in “Hill Likes White Elephant” by Hemingway

            Reading is one of thing which can improve and increase knowledge of human or called reader.  According to a theory of Fish about reader respond (page 71), ordinarily, one would begin by asking "what does this sentence mean?" or "what is it about?" or "what is it saying?”. It means that before read all of the text, usually the reader will have many question on their mind about the text, and all of the question can be answered if the reader can understand deeply about the text, not only in general but also well-known the theme, setting, characterization, symbolism etc that using in literary work that they are reading. In reading, Schoenbanch, Greenleaf, Cziko and Hurwitz (1999:38) explain that our reading apprenticeship approach is different because our understanding of the nature of reading is different. It means that knowledge will very influence how the reader understands deeply and well-known all of the elements in literary work. It means that although the reader read the same literary work, it still creates the differentiation in opinion, between the first reader, with second reader and another reader.
            A theory of reader respond is also explained by Iser which focus to reading process or how the reader can understand deeply about the text especially literary work that they are reading or they have read. According to Iser theory (1972:1), in considering a literary work, one must take into account not only the actual text but also, and in equal measure, the actions involved in responding to that text. It means that responding to the text is one of important thing to understand deeply about the text itself. The most important think in Iser view, when the reader read a literary work, the reader can be explore their understanding with making an outline.

“Texts not only draw the reader into the action, but also lead him to shade in the many outlines suggested by the given situations, so that these take on a reality of their own. But as the reader's imagination animates these ‘outlines,’ they in turn will  influence the effect of the written part of the text (1972:1)”.

Beside can makes an outline as a sign that the reader understand deeply about the text that they have read, another thing that have to do by the reader in reading process base on Iser theory is do an analysis. In Iser’s view, he contends that the “starting point for a phenomenological analysis is the study of the “way in which sequent sentences act upon one other”. Analysis means that the reader can be dividing what the theme is of the literary work, how the plot is, how the character is/are etc.  To analysis itself for sure the reader has to understand every sentence deeply, like Iser explain that sentences are ‘component parts’ insofar as they make statements, claims, or observations, or convey information, and so establish various perspectives in the text (1972:2)

            In reading literary work, there are some elements that have to understand by the reader like the usage of symbolism. In Abrams’s view (1999:311),

 “Symbol is anything which signifies something, in this sense all words are symbols. In discussing literature, however, the term "symbol" is applied only to a word or phrase that signifies an object or event which in its turn signifies something, or has a range of  reference, beyond itself”.

It means that symbolism is a sign which given in form of word to make its literary work more interesting and creative. The same opinion about symbol explained by fadaee (2010:2), which said that “Symbol is a communication element intended tp simply represent or stand for complex of person, object, group, or idea”.
            Almost all of literary work using symbol, one of literary work which using symbol. One of literary work that using symbol is “hill likes white elephant”, a short story which created by Hemingway. In this short story which talks about a girl and a boy who confusing of their problem, Hemingway using many symbolism that will make the reader not understand about the story if the reader do not enter to the story itself. Iser argues (1972)
“The “author of the text may, of course, exert plenty of influence on the    reader's             imagination – he has the whole panoply of narrative   techniques at his disposal”  (282), but he needs the reader to       complete the process “for it is only by activating the  reader's imagination that the author can hope to involve him     and so realize the  intentionsof his text”  

It means that in reading process, not only engage the author as the writer but also engage human as the reader.
            In “hill likes with elephant” as the title short story itself, Hemingway using symbol that will make the reader not understand if the reader cannot enter in the story. Like a quote in that short story,

            “They look like white elephants,” (Hemingway:1927:1)

Maybe, the reader guessing that it is truly white elephant. But in the fact, the word of “hill” is the symbol that a girl named Jig is pregnant, and “white elephant” itself is symbolize of white elephant in Buddha which reputed a holy one like her pregnant which holy also. It means that the reader not only have to understand about the story but also understand deeply about literary work which always using symbol, for sure the reader has to understand symbolism itself.
            Reading process not only influence to understanding the text or the story but also will influence reader’s knowledge. Iser explain (1972:5),

“we can only picture things which are not there; the written part the text gives us the knowledge, but it is the unwritten part that gives us the opportunity to picture things; indeed without the elements  indeterminacy, the gaps in the text, we should not be able to use our imagination”

It means that through the text the writer give knowledge which is sometimes unrealized by the reader. When reading a text, the reader also has to choose what kind of text that base on their knowledge to make the purpose of the author can be understood by the reader. It explained also by Iser (1972:4) that the “‘reality’ of the reading experience can illuminate basic patterns of real experience”.
Another symbolism that used by Hemingway in his short story (hill likes with elephant) found in the way Hemingway using setting. According to Abrams (1999:284)

The overall setting of a narrative or dramatic work is the general locale, historical             time, and social circumstances in which its action occurs; the setting of a single episode or scene within such a work is the particular physical location in which it takes place.”

It means that setting is part of plot or context of story that will explain or describe the place, time, etc which will has a connection with the character. Symbolism that using setting in “hill likes with elephant” is like

 The hills across the valley of the Ebro were long and white. On this side there  was no shade and no trees and the station was between two lines of rails in the sun. Close against the side of the station there was the warm shadow of the building and a curtain, made of strings of bamboo beads,   hung across the open  door into the bar, to keep out flies. The American and the girl with him sat at a             table in the shade, outside the building.(Hemingway:1927:1)

In reading process, the reader will understand that when the author using setting, it used not only for describe the situation but also sometimes has a symbol. In the text above as the early paragraph of the story, Hemingway want to show that the girl and her boyfriend is in between, it means that they haven’t another choice except next or go back. It showed by Hemingway with using rail way of train which is cannot go far away except next or go back. Without  the understanding of reading process, the reader maybe just skip that text without realize that Hemingway as the author using that words not only to advocate the context but also as a symbol.
            Another thing that have to do by the reader is explain what the reader get after reading. In Iser theory (1972:8),  this is what “causes the reader to be entangled in the text ‘gestalt’ that he himself has produced. Through this entanglement the reader is bound to open himself up to the workings of the text, and so leave behind his own preconceptions”. It means that the good reader not only can makes outline, imagine, enter to the story, or understand deeply with the using of symbol and another element of literary work but also can explain again what they get or what they understand as the result of their reading.

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