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Friday, February 7, 2014

First Novel Of Hemingway That I Read, and My Feeling After Read The Story


                   I finished read this novel almost 1 year days ago. This novel was created by Ernest Hemingway, he was born on July 21, 1899, in suburban Oak Park, IL, his parents are Dr. Clarence and Grace Hemingway. He died on July 2, 1961 because he killed himself.  For his novel named The Old Man and the Sea, was awarded the Pulitzer Prize in 1953, and in 1954 Hemingway won the Nobel Prize in Literature, he said “for his powerful, style-forming mastery of the art of narration.” Ernest was the second of six children to be raised in the quiet suburban town.  The name of Ernest taken from his grandmother name, Ernest Hall. He had a sister named Marcelline, she older than Ernest, different 18 month. But his mom sometime said to everyone that Marcelline and Ernest are twin, she often gave the girl’s clothes for Ernest and called him Ernestine.
            This novel using English modern. So, it was not too difficult to understand what this novel talked about. Actually, I found many new vocabulary in this novel, but I try to do a guess and imagine in the story then continue my reading. Honestly, it made me lose my way, so I still open my dictionary for a few time. But this novel has not many pages, just 37 pages in original eBook, so, it made me easier finished this novel hehe.
            This novel talked about the old man named Santiago. He was a fisherman, the boy named Manolin often helped him to caught the fish every day. But for eighty four days they did not get anything. For first forty days, the boy accompanied the old man, but after forty days, because of they did not get the fish, although just one, the boy’s parents commanded his son to leaved the old man because he guess that the old man was not lucky fisherman. The boy felt very sad, but he still helped the old man, he gave the good bait to the old man.
            After got the good bait from Manolin, in the morning he try to caught the fish although without Manolin. After midday, he got a tuna fish and he saved it. Then at sunset, he felt his bait caught by the big fish, and he got a whale, but the fish very big, bigger than his boat, he could not caught the fish because the fish very strong. Because of that, he had to slept on his boat until the big fish weak.
            The old man was happy when I knew that he caught the very big fish, maybe the biggest fish that he had never saw before. He imagined on his mind when everybody saw him got a big whale. But poor the old man, the whale very strong, in the night he felt very hungry and he ate his tuna without cooked it. When he try to slept, the whale had a movement and made his boat movement also, so he would not comfort when he slept. He try to pulled the rope of his bait until his hand hurt and had a blood.
            I felt very poor to the old man, but his sadness still on his way. Until the morning came, and he caught a tuna fish again for his lunch, he could not get the whale, “It is very strong fish”, he said. But at sunset, the whale did a cycle, around his boat, when the fish near to his boat, he stabbed the fish with his weapon, and finally the fish died.
            He was very happy, but sometimes he felt very did not believe when he saw there was a very big fish beside his boat. Suddenly, another big fish approached his fish, that fish ate 40 pond from the meat of his fish, he try to killed that fish with his weapon, but the fact, many big fish approached his fish until he lose all his weapon and then all meat of his fish eaten by another big fish. He was very angry and stabbed all the big fish with the last weapon, and the last strength that he had. He felt very sad because there was not big fish again beside his boat, he just looked the bone of the fish.
            When he returned to his home, everybody saw the big bone beside the old man’s boat. Mandolin cried, he felt poor to the old man, but suddenly, a tourist approached and said that he saw many big fish died on the sea. Actually, the old man was a champion; he killed many big fish when he tried to keep his big fish.
            I enjoyed read this novel, because this novel using English modern and the pages of this novel is not too long. I like this novel very much because this novel gives learning to us to never give up. But I felt very poor to the old man. I thought the old man is the strong man, or maybe he is the strongest old man that I had never found before, hehe. He was very patient and never give up to get something that he want to get. So, because of that, I will recommend my friend to read this novel, because this novel gives many message to the reader.
            The most interesting topic in this novel is about when the old man try to keep his big fish but another big fish ate his fish. I interesting to this topic because I try to imagine this story on my mind when the old man named Santiago tried killed the big fish that wanted ate his fish. Very poor but this season gave a learning to us to never give up. An unpredictable topic in this novel when I knew that actually, the big fish that he already tried killed them in the fact died. So, actually he lost one big fish but he got many big fish again, but he didn’t know about that because he felt very tired.

Cerpen Aneh


            Joni dan eva memang sepasang kekasih. Mereka tinggal ditempat yang memang sederhana, tetapi hidup bahagia. Setiap hari, Joni dan Eva acap kali bersama. Joni memang sosok yang setia, tidak pernah ingin membiarkan Eva sendirian berjalan tanpanya.
            Baru saja pagi, Joni dan Eva sudah terbangun dari tidurnya. Seperti biasa, disaat seperti ini, Joni dan Eva mencari makanan untuk sekedar mengganjal perut sampai datang bapak-bapak baik hati bernama Purnomo yang sering memberinya makan. Pagi itu matahari belum mau menampakkan diri, membuat Joni dan Eva kedinginan dan tak mampu bergerak. Apalagi, malam sebelumnya hujan datang memasuki rumah kecil mereka hingga Joni dan Eva pun terkena air hujan karenanya.
            Terbiasa hidup seperti itu, Joni dan Eva tidak pernah mengeluh. Apalagi Purnomo sangat menyayangi mereka. Sayangnya, gara-gara kedinginan akibat kehujanan, Joni dan Eva tak mampu berlama-lama bertahan ditengah kabut saat hendak ingin mencari makanan. Apalah hendak mau dikata, Joni dan Evapun menunggu sampai matahari datang lalu purnomo memberinya makan.
            Denting jam saat itu menunjukkan pukul 6 pagi, matahari sudah mulai mengintip disela rindangan pohon. Joni dan Evapun keluar dari rumah kecil mereka, jam segini, biasanya Purnomo datang memberi mereka makan.
            Tepat dirumah sederhana dari kayu tanpa tembok, Purnomo asyik membuat segelas kopi dikarenakan istrinya Rukmayah sibuk mencuci baju disungai. Namun Rukmayah tidak terlalu lama membuat Purnomo menunggu, ia baru saja meminum seteguk kopinya saja sampai Rukmayahpun datang.
“Sudah kau beri makan si Joni dan si Eva? Mereka harus gemuk, sehat, biar laku dipasaran”.
“Apa mula yang kau katakan? Aku tidak akan pernah menjual Joni dan Eva, mereka amat ku sayangi, apalagi Eva sedang mengandung”.
“Baguslah, berarti, anaknya bisa kita jual pula nanti”.
“Di otak mu itu hanya duit saja. Tak pernah kau fikirkan bagaimana Kehidupan Joni dan Eva jika mereka kita jual? Belum tentu ada yang mau memberinya makan makanan yang sehat seperti bagaimana aku memberinya makan. Belum tentu pula, ada orang yang mau merawatnya seperti aku merawat mereka”.
“Justru karna itu, kau sudah terlampau baik kepada mereka, apa berharganya? Mereka hanya kau temukan di sungai sedari dini. Kini mereka sudah dewasa, Bahkan Eva sudah mengandung, kau sudah begitu baik memberi makan dan merawat mereka. Tentu mereka baik-baik saja jika kau jual”.
“Sudahlah, kau memang tak bisa mengerti, sudah jam 6, lebih baik aku menyiapkan makanan untuk Joni dan Eva”.
            Beberapa menit kemudian, Purnomo membawakan makanan untuk Joni dan Eva. Joni dan Eva sudah mengerti, melihat Purnomo membawa makanan, Joni dan Eva langsung menghampiri
“Weeeeekkk, Weeeeekk”.
Ah, sungguh suara kedua angsa itu tidak bisa dituliskan dengan kata-kata. “weeeekk” itu memang lebih identik dengan suara bebek. Tapi suara kedua angsa itu begitu merdu, sulit memang untuk di tiru apalagi dituliskan dalam bentuk tulisan.
            Apalagi, Joni dan Eva sangat cerdas, acap kali meniru beberapa adegan manusia, seperti menendang bola, sengaja masuk ke rumah untuk menonton TV hitam putih 14 inci milik Rukmayah yang ia beli di tukang loak. Bagaimana Rukmayah tidak marah? Joni dan Eva acap kali membuang kotoran sembarangan. Aneh memang, tapi kedua angsa ini sangat senabg di hadapan TV, anteng, bak nya manusia yang senang menonton film, atau remaja yang suka dengan FTV. Wajar jika Rukmayah tidak suka dengan keberadaan Joni dan Eva. Dipotong saja? ah, Rukmayah tidak menyukai daging angsa, makanya ia lebih memilih untuk menyuruh Purnomo menjualnya.
            Tapi Purnomo enggan menjual, apalagi mengingat Joni dan Eva sering mengikuti Purnomo, baik itu ke ladang ataupun ketika solat. Dengan sabar, Joni dan Eva menunggu di luar mushola sampai Purnomo keluar. Ah, wajar mungkin, Purnomo sudah menikah 26 tahun dengan Rukmayah, tetapi belum di karuniai anak. Itulah yang membuat Purnomo sering membawa Joni dan Eva ke ladang, sama seperti pagi itu.
            Dengan menggoyangkan pantatnya, Joni dan Eva mengikuti Purnomo ke ladang. Hingga tiba di tempat tujuan, Joni dan Eva biasanya mencari makanan sambil menunggu purnomo selesai mencangkul di sekitar ladang. Hal lain yang biasanya Joni dan Eva lakukan sat menunggu Purnomo  sibuk bekerja adalah berenang di sungai, tempat dimana Purnomo menemukan Joni dan Eva masih orok saat itu.
            Tak terasa, matahari sudah diam ditengah langit, bayangan Purnomopun sudah terlihat tepat dibawahnya. Biasanya, di jam yang sama, Rukmayah datang membawakannya makanan. Seperti biasa, Rumkmayah tidak pernah membuat Purnomo menunggu lama. Ia datang dengan membawa satu piring nasi, satu ikan asin, sedikit daun singkong yang ia masak serta sambal terasi kesukaan Purnomo yang di bungkus dengan keresek hitam, disertakan teko kecil serta gelas di dalamnya.
“Sudah menunggu?”
“Tidak juga, baru saja selesai?”.
“Dimana Joni dan Eva?”.
“Berenang di sungai”.
“Biarku cari, agar kau bisa langsung pulang sehabis makan”.
“Baiklah, kau cari saja”.
            Tak lama kemudian, Rukmayah kembali tanpa Joni dan Eva.
“Tak kutemukan angsamu itu di sungai, kemana hendak mereka bermain?”.
“Mungkin saja di sawah Pak Kasim, Joni sering mencari makanan disana”.
“Sudahku cari, tapi tak kutemukan”.
“Ah, kau memang tidak menyayangi mereka, biar aku saja yang mencari”.
            Purnomo langsung beranjak dari duduknya dan menyimpan makanan itu di saung kecil tempat ia biasa beristirahat. Merasa tidak enak sendiri, Rukmayah mengikuti dari belakang. Mereka bersama mencari Joni dan Eva tapi tak bisa ditemukan. Rukmayah mulai lelah, tapi tidak dengan Purnomo meski saat itu sudah mulai menjelang sore.
“Tak biasakah kita mencari Joni dan Eva besok saja? aku lelah”.
“Pulang saja jika kau mau”.
            Rukmayah kesal dengan jawaban suaminya, ia diam tak berucap, suasana menjadi beitu hening. Rukmayah hanya memperhatikan Purnomo yang tak hentinya mondar mendir mencari angsa kesayangannya. Sampai akhirnya, suara Pak Kasim memecahkan keheningan menjelang magrib itu.
“Yah, mana suamimu?”.
Purnomo mendengar suara yang begitu keras itu,
“Ada apa kau mencariku dan menanyakan dimana aku dengan suara yang terlampau lantang itu”.
“Maaf, aku sudah mencarimu kerumah. Aku lupa, bahwa biasanya kau di ladang ketika pagi hingga siang”.
“Lantas ada apa hingga kau begitu repot mencariku?”.
“Barusan aku mencari belut di ujung sungai, kulihat angsa kesayanganmu termakan anjing, hanya bulunya saja yang kulihat”.
            Purnomo memandang wajah Kasim dengan penuh amarah.
“Jangan kau berbicara sembarangan, aku bisa memukulmu”.
“Aku tidak bergurau, hanya kau di kampung ini yang mempunyai angsa. Bukankah begitu?”.
Purnomo terdiam. Tak mampu berkata, ia tak ingin melihat angsanya yang sudah tinggal bulu itu meski Kasim mengajaknya untuk membuktikan. Purnomo hanya diam, melangkahkan kaki menuju rumah dengan lemah, tanpa sedikitpun bicara baik pada Kasim ataupun Rukmayah. Demikian pula Rukmayah, hatinya pilu, bukan karna Joni dan Eva yang lenyap termakan anjing, tapi ia tahu, bahwa hal itu akan membuat suaminya terdiam untuk beberapa hari tanpa kata, atau bahkan tidak ingin mencicipi masakannya lagi untuk beberapa hari. aaaahhh, Joni dan Eva memang seperti anak baginya.

Essay Sastra "Analisis Novel Belenggu"


            Freedom of woman, still become the most interest topic, either for woman or man. It makes woman become the center of attention, from feminism era until now. Woman always has interest topic to discuss, such like about their problem, their education, their dreams which always contrast with their obligation as a wife and as a mother. In this case, freedom of woman becomes the main topic which is always success makes many people talking about that, and give more attention. Woman’s political rights are conspicuous by their absence from official proclamations and from pronouncements by those who came to power during the revolution. Nevertheless, certain individuals were deeply concerned with this issue at the time, connecting it directly to the debate over slavery and natural rights, (Bell and Offen, 1983:97). It shows to people that freedom of woman still become the main topic and the main problem of woman. Actually, freedom of woman almost nothing and never found about 17 or 18 century. It made some woman like in Africa, made an organization which is has a purpose to get their rights as woman. One of the organizations in that era is The African Women’s Development and Communication Network (FEMNET), which means a pan African organization working to promote women’s rights and development in Africa, (Hambuba, 2009:10). It means that in that era, woman has not a freedom like a man, cannot get good education like a man, which also found in Belenggu (1938).
            Marry Wollstonecraft as the first modern feminist, who give theory about feminist through her book (1792) basically explain that woman has the same right with man. In her book, she described about feeling, love, and anything which makes woman look like different with man. In her book also, Mary Wollstonecraft explain how woman’s life in her era, anything about woman, like education. Power, and their idea which is sometime never hear with everyone, because they thought that the thinking of woman, almost using feeling, not logic like a man. So, woman in that era, never get the best learning about knowledge, they learn from the book that they read. This statement same with (Abrams, 1999:110), which explain that one emphasis, has been to alter the way a woman reads the literature of the past so as to make her not an acquiescent.
            In Belenggu (1938), will advocate Marry Wollstonecraft’s book about feminist, because in this novel, describe of woman’s life, woman’s problem, their education, their position for man, and for sure, about their freedom, which almost never found in this novel. In Belenggu (1937), the author describe about the weakness of woman which have not marry yet, which considered queer. But when the woman is marrying, and has a husband, they still do not do anything. This novel, tell to the reader, about modern woman, who want to has the same right with man, has good education like a man, exactly could not free, because she look so queer on their view. In this case, it same with what Marry Wollstonecraft explain in her book (1792), so this theory and this problem revealed based on Marry Wollstonecraft theory about feminist.
            Armijn Pane as the author of Belenggu, (1938), explain clearly about modernism of woman in that story. According to Wrenn (2010:1), Modernism embraced the issues of class, gender, the struggle for knowledge, and the senselessness and alienation of the time. It means that modernism is solution to far away from the time which emphases people from freedom. In this case especially, is the emphasizing of woman.  Women, their intelligence and their judgment had always been regarded with contempt by a maleoriented society (Marsden). Women had been seen and treated more as complements to the men in their lives than as individuals or spiritual entities; they were depicted in literature as womanly, weak, dutiful, and stupid. It same with Mary Wolllstonecraft theory, in her book (1792:chapter 1) that women educated in the enervating style recommended by the writers whom I have been animadverting and not having a chance, from their subordinate state in. society, to recover their lost ground, is it surprising that women everything appear a defect in nature?.
            In Belenggu, (1938), the author show modernism and feminism through the figure named Tini. She is Sukartono’s wife,  who works as the doctor. Because of that, Tono has not much time for Tini, it made Tini so bored, and though to do the same with Tono, like go out, leave her home, and find her happiness to forget her boring. But it made Tono’s mother did not agree with what Tini did, that is why, she try to give an advise to Tini

“Memang Tini, kita berlainan paham”.
“Seperti langit dan bumi, ibu!”
“Aku bukan terlalu kolot.”
Tini tertawa: “Saya yang terlalu modern.”
“Memang, Tini!”, kemudian disambungnya dengan sungguh: “Kalai dimata kami, tiada baik kalau seorang istri banyak-banyak keluar malam, tidak ditemani suaminya!”.
(Pane, 1938:56)

            This quotes showed that something that Tini did, was wrong in Tono mother’s view. She never asked to Tini before why she did it. Whereas, actually Tono knew that Tini often do that, and Tono never angry or forbid her. On mothers Tono’s view, like she said that “kita berlainan paham”, she want to say that Tini’s thinking about freedom is wrong. In that era, a woman who go without her husband considered as a bad woman. Although they have important something but it still considered as bad attitude also on their view. Woman is a weak person, they can not do anything without a man, woman is weak, so, woman has to be guarded by a man, especially her husband, wherever they go, especially at the night. Tono’s mother words made Tini angry as a woman

“Bukankah lakiku juga pergi sendirian? Mengapa aku tiada boleh? Apakah bedanya?.”
(Pane 1938:56)

            In that quotes, showed that here, Tini is as modern woman. Feminism is showed also by this quotes. Although as a woman Tini though that she can do the same something with her husband, and she can do that without his husband. But, Tini as modern woman, has not someone who has the same view with her, it made her look as bad woman in people’s view

“Memang tini suka berpesta, suka berdansa, seperti rama-rama. Tiada pernah tetap, pesolek, .. pelagak.”
(Pane, 1938:72)                 

It this quotes, the author want to show that something like party, dance, friendly to everyone, also using full makeup is bad something for woman. In that era, party and dance show that that woman has bad attitude, and friendly, is such unfaithful wife. But Tini as modern woman has different view. For Tini especially, dance just as her hobby, and party, just to make her boring lost. Like what she said to Tono’s mother when she as giving an advice to Tini,

“Aku berhak menyenangkan fikiranku, menggembirakan hatiku. Aku manusia juga, punya kemauan sendiri. Kalau pendapat ibu, kemauanku mesti tunduk pada suamiku. Bukan ibu, bukankah demikian? Kami masing-masing berkemauan sendiri-sendiri.”
(Pane, 1938:56)

In this quotes, consolidate that dance or party, just something to entertain. She said that everyone has the different wish, (kami masing-masing berkemauan sendiri-sendiri). It means that she want to explain that verybody has different hobby, which will has a connection with what something that they will do or they had would done. As modern woman, Tini though that it was not bad something. Tini felt so confused also when her friendly to everyone made people though that she was bad woman. In her mind, friendly is good character, the most importand, everything what she done, like party, dance, friendly to everyone, using full makeup or etc, she still faithful to her husband. Actually, she want to Tono, angry to her, or sometimes forbid her like another one, she want to know, does her husband care to her?. But Tono never do that. So, it made her as a bad woman in people’s view.
            Another quotes which showed by the author, about how woman’s life, explained also through Tini’s friend, named Tati. She sent a letter to Tini, and told to her that Tini is lucky woman, she was married, and she got a good man, as a doctor. But Tati, she has not marry yet, it made her worry, and told about her feeling to Tini, then, Tini said

“Siapa yang keras hati, akan mendapat kehendaknya. Kita perempuan masih segan diejek orang, tiada taan diperkatakan orang dikatakan tiada laku. Apakah perlunya kita takut? Kata saja, tidak akan membinasakan. Pertetaplah hatimu, tentulah asmara jaya!.”.
(Pane, 1938:74)

The quotes above showed that woman in that era, will worry if she has not yet marry. It will make an issue around the people. But Tini’s advice to Tati, consolidate that Tini is as modern woman, she though not only with her feeling but also with her logic that she got and learned through education. So, it same with Marry Wollstonecraft theory (1792:chapter XII), that woman more rationally educated, could they take a more comprehensive view of things. It means that with education, it will change rationality of human, also take more comprehensive things, and will influence how that human take the solution for their problems, especially education woman.



Abrams, M.H 1999. A Glossary OF Literary Term. Massachusetts: Heinle & Heinle

Bell, Susan Groag & Karen M.Offen 1983. Woman, The Family and Freedom. University Press, California.

Hambuba, Carlyn 2009. Freedom of Information (FOI) & Women’s Rights in Africa. United Nation

Wreen, Heike 2010. The Woman in Modernism. ELF

Wollstonecraft, Marry 1972. A vindication of The Right of Woman. US

Pane, Armijn 1983. Belenggu. Dian Rakyat